Even if I didn't know the date I should be able to tell that it's almost Christmas. There are women running all over town trying to get their shopping done and there is not a carpark to be seen. If you do manage to get a park then your car will be roasting by the time you get back to it. The Christmas Bushes are in flower and they look really spectacular this year. And temperature wise it's hot and sticky and there are HUGE Christmas beetles all over the place. Tonight you can hear them thunk as they bounce off the windows.
The Last tatting class for the year was this morning and my internet went down about 10 minutes in. Not good enough Mr Dodo. Sorry to miss sending Christmas wishes to all my online tatting friends all over the world. I hope to see them back safe and well in the New Year.
I am trying to ignore my tatting and get all the pre Chrissy stuff done. But that's fairly difficult as I just received the book I had ordered from Yarnplayer and she included a free sample of one of her hand dyed threads.
Likewise there is not a lot happening in my hand dyed thread department. There are still a fair few of the first colourways ready to be skeined. Yes yes it's on the list.
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