Yesterday I took my first BIG step into the world of commerce. I put up a stall at a local handcraft market at Pyree and put all my tatting on sale for the first time ever. It was scary as anything because I didn't know if people would actually like my work. With my mood ranging from super hopeful to 'OMG what am I doing I won't sell a thing' I set up my stall. Panic!. But then the people arrived. First the other stall owners cruised over for a look to see what this needle tatting was and then all the shoppers. It was the perfect day the weather held and there was lots of people. I sold my first 3 pieces in the first half hour and I could have gone home then an there I was so happy at having an actual sale. All in all the day was a huge success and I sold LOTS!!!!!!!! Funnily things that I thought would sell didn't and things like the bracelet made from one of my not so nice hand dyed thread experiments did sell. I couldn't believe that.
In reality profit margin wise I probably made about $5 all up but as we tat for the love of it not the money that's okay. And anything that means I can go out and buy more thread and beads is good.
People were so interested in what needle tatting was and you would have thought that Georgia at the Online tatting class had me on on commission I wrote down her details so often. Also Crochet Australia, Handy Hands, Lizbeth Thread and Barbara Foster should all expect a surge in sales. I have offered to meet a couple of ladies to show them 'how' over coffee and you never know they might actually ring.
Today I have to try and sort out the post apocalypse disaster that is my beads and fittings and threads
Ps Pictures would have good but we were so busy we forgot.