Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tiny tatting

I finally made time to throw ( literally) some of the little motifs that I am doing for a friend down onto some paper to attempt a photo or two. The results were less than pleasing as I haven't blocked any of the pieces and I truly suck at photography.  Of course as soon as I took a step outside it started to spit rain. Me thinks the scanner might have been a better option. Anyway you can see some little doodles and a couple of Marilee Rockley patterns and even a Mary Konior pattern. They were just practice pieces before I set out to do them in HD thread and I mucked around with the patterns a bit. I knowI should have kept to the pattern but sometimes this needle tatter just looks at a shuttle pattern and goes 'WHAT? I do what?  Na lets do it this way'. And sometimes it works .........sometimes.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Pictures would be good so that people could see my threads but I have yet to manage a really decent photo of any of my colours. So that's on my list of to do things. Pity I have to work, it eats up so much useful time.